This is IT’S A PR THING, the show that helps you build relationships that build business. We’re bringing you a better understanding of what public relations is, and how it can drive your business in ways you never knew it could.
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Episode 10 -- Crisis and Controversy: 3 Key Tips to ‘Get Ahead of the Story’
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Can you still get ahead of the story in today's media environment? And if so, how do you do that? Schmooze the media? Press release your way out of it? "Reframe" the situation and set the record straight?
In today's episode, we get all up in these questions. And we lay some hard reality on you in the form of three crucial tips to help you get ahead of the news story -- and who has the biggest burden in the organization in keeping you out of the negative headlines.
So grab that pad of paper, grab a pen, and let's dive in for some more PR learning love!
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Episode 9 -- The 14 Resources To Help You Manage Your PR Function
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Thank you for tuning into IT’S A PR THING. Today we're going to cover 14 resources and tools available to help you manage and improve your public-relations function within your organization. THAT’S 14! One to check out everyday for two weeks!
These tools and resources come from a breadth of organizations and experts AND many of them are free or accessible at a very low cost.
So get ready to take copious notes today as we dive into some more PR learning love!
Our Podcasts — FREE
Books -- Under $20 each
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People-- Steven Covey
Damage Control: The Essential Lessons of Crisis Management -- Eric Dezenhall & John Weber
Left Turn -- Dr. Tim Groceclose
More podcasts -- from other people -- FREE
School PR Drive Time Podcast
The CX Leader Podcast
Case Studies -- FREE
Case Study Library @ MCFARLANDPR.COM
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Episode 8 -- Is Your Content Output Producing PR Outcomes?
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Thank you again for tuning into to IT'S A PR THING. Today we talk about content outputs versus PR outcomes. Is your content creation really creating communication? Is it moving you to dialogue that creates relationships? Or is it just announcing, notifying and informing?
We see a lot of information floating around about how content is king, and categorizing content creation as communication. But is it really? If it's not generating dialogue or interaction with you, is it really communication -- or just costly eye candy and clutter?
Output doesn't equate to outcome. They are different - yet also interrelated . . . and one can help you measure the other.
Tune in today and get a quick mindset check, and use it to reevaluate your own PR efforts and coach your team on how to produce PR outcomes from your content output.
And when you're finished, check out Tuesday Tip 4 -- BLT + Pickle and the CEO to learn the formula to measure your PR outcomes.
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Episode 7 -- The Media Interview: 4 Pro Tips To Help You Prepare and Manage It
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Thanks so much for joining us today on IT'S A PR THING.
Today we're going to cover four pro tips that are crucial regarding any media interview.
Most people go into a media interview thinking they just need talking points. But there's a lot more you need to think about than parroting messages.
First and foremost, you need to have a strategy, you need to have something prepared that helps you deliver that strategy, you need some support to help you be successful in the interview and you want to make sure that your bases are covered in case you are misquoted or information is reported inaccurately.
If you've never done a media interview before, this is going to be some great starter information for you to get off on a good foot.
If you're someone who has done interviews here and there in the past, today's episode will give you new considerations and tools to strengthen your interview process.
And if you're someone like myself who has been the spokesperson and/or coaches people on media-interview practices, this is going to give you some good reminders of the discipline and techniques that we need to be using every time we're doing those media interviews
So grab a pad of paper and a pen, and let's dive into some more PR learning love!
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Tip 9 -- The 10 Tools To Build Better Media Relationships
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Thank you so much for joining us today for the Tuesday Tip here on IT'S A PR THING. Today we're going to talk about 10 key tools that can help you build better relationships with the news media.
Building a relationship with the news media takes more that just a solid contact list and blasting out news releases. You need to not only help journalists know about stories, but you must also give them opportunities and materials to help build and package those stories — and you must also be timely, relevant and responsive to help them do their job.
These 10 tools will help you build credibility and good working relationships across your media contacts.
So grab a pen and a pad of paper, and let's dive into some more PR learning love!
CORRECTION: True confession all -- I got so into talking about the details of each tool that I mixed up the number order, and didn't realize it until we were fully produced. My apologies -- but you know what they say . . . "imperfect action is better than no action." Thank you for your grace.
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Episode 6 -- The Power of PR in the History of American Independence
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
YES! Public relations tactics and techniques played a major role in the birth of the United States as a nation.
Today you're going to learn about the first-viral share in American history -- before Facebook or Twitter.
You're going to learn about the first branding campaign -- before the first ad agency existed.
And you'll learn about the crucial influencers of the time -- who did it all without social media, the Internet, network television or even electricity.
Come on! Let's take a walk down history lane!
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Tip 8 -- Know When to Decrease To Increase
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Ever feel like no matter how hard you're pushing your message, how much you're communicating (because you can't over communicate, right?) and how much market splash you're making, you still don't seem to be moving the needle on progress?
Well, today we're going to dive into the practice of "decrease to increase" -- where sometimes pulling back and doing less IN THE RIGHT WAY will actually gain you more in the long run in influencing those stakeholder relationships.
Join me today for some more PR learning love in this Tuesday Tip, and get the insider advantage of knowing how to decrease to increase.
And, as always, if you liked this episode, please give it a review and share the PR learning love!
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Tip 7 -- How To Be an Influencer
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
So you want to be an influencer? Got your YouTube channel set up, your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social in place, your podcast in production and your blog in final draft?
Today everyone wants to be an influencer -- and with all of the channels listed above, it's really easy to set up your own "network" to get your opinion, reactions, and agendas out into the public square.
BUT SHOULD YOU? Should your focus be on influencing -- or should you be focused on something even more important, and of greater service to your industry, cause and community?
Today's brief but pointed tip dives into the trend of being an influencer and if it's the right path.
Join me today for some more PR learning love!
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday Tip 6 -- The Sin of Spin
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Spin. How does that word make you feel as a PR professional? Do you like the way that television shows and movies portray our profession? Do you call your work "spin" or yourself a "spin doctor?" Or do you wish people wouldn't refer to you in that way?
Well, today we're going to talk about what spin is, how it is very different from ethical PR practice, and how to politely and professional reject and correct the label of spin.
Tune in today, and let's share the PR learning love!
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday Tip 5 -- The Business Process for Building Relationships
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
As a PR pro, you are the steward of your organization's relationship capital. (Finance handles the fiscal capital, PR handles the relationship capital.) And today we'll discuss the three crucial practices that make up the business process to shepherd and drive that RC. Today you'll have ah-ha moments, deja vu moments, and some eye-rolling I've-been-there moments -- and in the end, you'll walk away with new food for thought, a breakthrough or two, and some confirmation. So grab a pen and paper, and let's dig in!
If you want to explore your issue or initiative with experienced PR pros to test your ideas, get some additional insights or strategic counsel, then check out our Advising & Coaching sessions at No contract or retainer needed. Just schedule a time from any of our three daily slots open per day, and we'll jump on a call or Zoom session and help you confidentially carve out a path for success!