This is IT’S A PR THING, the show that helps you build relationships that build business. We’re bringing you a better understanding of what public relations is, and how it can drive your business in ways you never knew it could.
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Episode 21 -- Steps To Check How Inclusive Your Communication Really Is
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Are you operating inclusively in how you communicate, or is your organization unintentionally fostering an atmosphere of exclusion?
Are you spouting the word "inclusion" but actually delivering exclusivity? Or does your organization unintentionally set up barriers so only a select or limited segment can truly connect and interact with you?
Today we're going to apply an "inclusion check" to your company conversation and content -- from how you talk in your website copy to your social media posts to your product packaging information to product instructions to how your customer service representatives talk to customers, to your customer-service correspondence, etc.
And we'll walk you through crucial questions you can apply as you look around your organization over the next week and informally assess what you can do to improve your company's efforts to be truly inclusive.
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Episode 20 -- Your Personal PR Brand in 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
So many companies today say they want a kinder, more unified society. That's an admirable goal. But how do we get there, and still respect diversity of thought, experiences, beliefs, etc.? And is company and/or legislative policy the way to get there?
Or is it our collective behaviors and actions that make up the real answer?
Today we share five New Year's resolutions to help you become part of the solution by doing five things that enhance your own personal PR brand.
These resolutions are good advice for anyone anywhere, holding any position in any organization.
Grab a pen and some paper, and join in today for some more PR learning love!
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Episode 19 -- PR Strategic Planning
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
If you want to be successful in your public-relations efforts, then you must have a PR strategic plan. Whether you're planning for the organization's reputation, or for a specific initiative or campaign, you must have a thorough and documented PR strategy.
Today, Sam Sims, PRSA incoming board member and Fellow, podcast host of PR for the Rest of Us and president of the Sims Group, chats with our host Stephanie McFarland about PR strategic planning.
Together, Sam and Steph talk about the key components of a good PR strategy, best practices, and how to manage the planning process and collaborate across the organization, and tips on how to implement the plan and measure success.
This is a real and sincere Friday afternoon chat between two experienced PR pros who give some valuable food for thought on the PR strategic planning process.
Grab a pen and paper -- and let's all dive in for some more PR learning love!
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Episode 18 -- Corporate Cultures That Court Crisis (Part IV)
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Today on the series finale of Corporate Cultures That Court Crisis, we cover the "Blissfully Oblivious" culture. This culture usually takes one of two forms: Either the organization doesn't want to be aware of anything detrimental brewing in its bowels OR the organization is genuinely naive to the risks its unknowingly taking or facing.
Don't let this business culture invade your organization and invite crisis or controversy. Be the radar system for your organization -- help keep it in a healthy place with the four tips in our final installment.
Grab a pen, grab a pad of paper, and let's dive in for some more PR learning love!
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Episode 16 -- The Power of Gratitude
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving week! I love this time of year . . . because it's cool to be thankful, to reach out and share gratitude and count our blessings.
Did you know that Harvard and Berkley have some great data on what gratitude can do for your business? Well, we're going to hit the highlights of that data today -- and focus on how to integrate gratitude across your stakeholder relationships and use it to create true wealth in your business.
And don't miss the preface, because I have a special message for all of you who have been listening for the past year. I am so grateful for your time and interest in this show, and love having the opportunity to share PR love with you each week.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, and know that you are greatly appreciated!
Email address mentioned in the show preface:
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Episode 15 -- Corporate Cultures That Court Crisis (Part III)
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
'Hair on Fire'
Thank you for joining us today for IT'S A PR THING -- where today we're on Part III of a four-part series on Corporate Cultures That Court Crisis. Again, these are business cultures that invite crisis and controversy, putting the organization at risk.
Today's episode focuses on the "Hair on Fire" culture, and gives us a robust taste of what operating in a constant state of urgency and emergency does to an organization's people and its stakeholders. You may even find some hints of Trump, Musk, Biden, Ye -- and even the FTX crew in this culture.
You'll also learn some tips and strategic tactics to help organizations course correct, if they're heading in this direction.
Lots to cover today, so let's all dive in for some more PR learning love.
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Episode 14 -- Corporate Cultures That Court Crisis (Part II)
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
It's not deficient publicity that lands companies and organizations in hot water -- it's the management decisions they make. And today we're continuing our series on business cultures that invite crisis or controversy. This is the second episode in a four-part series that helps you identify businesses with a "tone at the top" that's problematic -- and can ultimately lead to sudden disasters, an unsafe workplace, regulatory woes, adversarial market pressures and more.
Is your company culture putting you on this trajectory? And if so, how do you course correct? Today's episode focuses on a business culture that is one of the most difficult to change, but . . . if there is a will, there is a way!
Join us today for some solid food for thought, and let's all dive in for some more PR learning love!
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Episode 13 -- Corporate Cultures That Court Crisis (Part I)
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Today we're starting a new series called Corporate Cultures That Court Crisis. Is your business culture setting your organization up for disruption, public backlash, lost revenue, damaged relationships, etc.?
Is your culture Too Big for Its Britches? Is it All About the Bennies? Is it operating Cowboy Style, or Blissfully Oblivious?
Join us today as we focus in on our first culture category, and learn the behaviors, characteristics and the risks these organizations face -- and how to course correct if you're heading in the wrong direction.
This is going to be an interesting episode today, and an excellent one to pass on to your leadership. So get ready to take some copious notes, and let's all dive in for some more PR learning love!
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Episode 12 -- Talking With Tanner: A Fresh Look at Working in the PR Field
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Don't let the title fool you, our more seasoned PR pros -- this episode is for all of us!
Today we're talking with Tanner Sizemore, who gives us insights into what it's like for a new professional entering the PR field, how it's different from the world of academia, how relationships play into a new professional's experience, and what kind of culture new PR pros are looking for today.
While my end of the audio is low and a bit muffled (sorry -- a little technical hiccup), Tanner is loud and clear as the star of today's episode. And he has some standout thoughts for us all to consider, and to pass along to students, incoming professionals, our own kids, and others.
So grab a pad of paper, grab a pen - and let's dive in for some more PR learning love!
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Episode 11 -- The Key Influence To Engage Stakeholders
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Today we're going to reveal the key influences that drive stakeholder engagement. If you're scratching your head about why your million-dollar plus ad campaign isn't driving people to purchase, vote, participate, etc. . . . well there is a reason for that. You're going to see why advertising and news releases, or “earned media” have a short lifespan when it comes to driving stakeholders to productively engage with you in a meaningful way. But, more importantly, you're going to learn what has the biggest influence along that continuum
So get ready to listen and learn, and ultimately save you time and money, and your team from the wear and tear of unnecessary stress and frustration.
Grab that pad of paper, grab a pen, and let's dive in for some more PR learning love today!